
video mashups

The inspiration comes from ARTE: (french) (german), and I talk about the format, not the content :) The idea is to create mashup videos, i.e. videos where the images are unrelated to the content but bring humor or a different perspective to what the voice off is saying. There is a lot of free to reuse videos available to do it. The strategy to make some is to first write a script for the voice off and then look for the videos.

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first draft of slideshow presentation for new professors v.0.1

This video is a first draft, I would be happy to get some feedback, about the storyline and the overall design. It is focused on the HU, because I will use it for my job interview there. A version aimed at the FSU will probably follow. This post may be updated when new versions of the video will be made. You can download it here (the quality of the image is low on purpose): https://github.

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data management fairy

Narrator’s voice: Once upon a time, in the kingdom of academia, there worked a scientist. S/he worked night and day to collect the best, most reliable data in his/her field. Months of hard work went by. Until one day an evil spell was cast upon the kingdom. All the the research data with no backup should be lost forever! “Why, oh why did I not backup my data?!” the researcher cried.

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my notes on possible new RDM promotion material

type of videos hijack: computer game, superhero, star treck, star wars… dialogue: research data VS GOfair research data data is my child chrismas present. hijack logical fallacies/known psychological events/dioseases,…, give examples with data management source of inspiration phd comics,,,, topics data loss you lost all your data but this todo list, it says: “backup data” data documentation

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