
advertisment video

Links to interesting advertisment videos: giving ideas we make future real (VW)

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open FAIR data is coming

A scientist is sitting in the cafeteria, we ear people chatting: Do you know, you need to provide your data when you publish? The data should be in a state where it can be re-used. And each scientist is responsible for dealing with his data. The scientist says: “That is bullshit: who is saying that?” Our main funders (DFG) Our favorite publishers Our employer, the university, is, too!

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data management fairy

Narrator’s voice: Once upon a time, in the kingdom of academia, there worked a scientist. S/he worked night and day to collect the best, most reliable data in his/her field. Months of hard work went by. Until one day an evil spell was cast upon the kingdom. All the the research data with no backup should be lost forever! “Why, oh why did I not backup my data?!” the researcher cried.

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Idea: meta-analysis

Tim working at his computer. Two others speaking: What is Tim doing? Meta-analysis. whaa Cool, he is comparing his results with the data of other scientists got all over the world during the last 10 years? No that’s what the computer of Amanda, who is drinking coffee there is being doing… Tim is just trying to compare his data, with the data he obtained two years ago. Slogan You want to manage your data like a pro, ask a pro ##questions:

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my notes on possible new RDM promotion material

type of videos hijack: computer game, superhero, star treck, star wars… dialogue: research data VS GOfair research data data is my child chrismas present. hijack logical fallacies/known psychological events/dioseases,…, give examples with data management source of inspiration phd comics,,,, topics data loss you lost all your data but this todo list, it says: “backup data” data documentation

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